Client Success Story:

How Vanguard Medical Group Reduces
Leakage and Costs with ReferralPoint

How Vanguard Medical Group Reduces Leakage and Costs with ReferralPoint

“What I like most about ReferralPoint is getting 100% more control over our referrals. Before, we didn’t know our out of network % but now that we can control and track it, we’ve seen it drop from 33% down to 8%.

ReferralPoint has helped us market to our patients so they know not to do a Google search to see a specialist. Rather, to contact us so we can connect them with the right high-quality specialist.”

Success Story: How Vanguard Medical Group Reduces Leakage and Costs

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1000 Texan Trail, Suite 204
Grapevine, Texas 76051

(972) 831-7270


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